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    White House Daily Briefing

    The White House acknowledged President Biden has had three neurological exams during his presidency and is not being treated for Parkinson’s disease after media reports revealed an expert has visited the White House on several occasions. Press Secret…

  • First Lady Jill Biden Campaigns in Wilmington, NC

    “Joe has made it clear that he’s all in … I am all in too, ” first lady Jill Biden told supporters in Wilmington, North Carolina. The comment was an effort to reassure the general public that her husband, President Biden, will remain in the 2024 pres…

  • Heritage Foundation Discussion on China and the COVID-19 Pandemic

    John Ratcliffe, former National Intelligence director (Trump administration, 2020-21) and chair of the Heritage Foundation’s Non-Partisan Commission on China and COVID-19, joined former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield (Trump administration, 2018-21)…

  • Sean Trende on Campaign 2024

    Real Clear Politics senior elections analyst Sean Trende talked about campaign 2024.

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